Series: Fight Flight or Insight ~ Yoga for Parasympathetic Reset



Saturdays, October 26th-November 23rd, 8:30 – 9:45AM

If yoga is the “yoking” between body and mind, what is this link? Answer: The nervous system.

But how do we come to know and feel our nervous system? How do we recognize if we are locked in ‘Fight or Flight’,  And when we do, how do we create the space for ‘insight’ instead?

If you are neurodivergent, struggling with overwhelm, pain, inflammation, peri-menopause symptoms or just plain burn out, I want to assure you, there is a solution. With over thirty-five years as a dancer, shiatsu massage therapist and yogi 🧘‍♀️ with ADHD, as well my own experiences with overwhelm, perimenopause and all the rest, I have gathered many techniques and much hard earned wisdom to share – and I can’t wait to let you in on the secrets! Each class will be a unique weave of contemporary techniques with ancient Yoga and Chinese Medicine practices. This approach will allow us to tap into our innate healing capacity and effectively cause change at the root level of our being. This promises to be fun and up-lifting. As you support your nervous system, it will reorganize your energy — body and mind, warts and all, naturally. 😉

❖ Shaking practices  

❖ Do-Yin, a gentle tapping/pounding system we do on our own lines.

❖  Special yoga asana sequences tailored for the specific meridian and energy centres we’re working with each class.

❖  Optional 10 minutes community circle ⭕️  for any custom inquiries at the end.

This will be rich with experiential somatic education. Come as you are and do what you do. No pressure. (Except for the gentle pressure of compassionate listening to the “issues of your tissues”!)

Nine big bows, Joni.

Please note: This is an in person class with option to join live online. If you need to miss a session, no worries, let your teacher know and you will receive a class recording.

Learn more about your teacher here.