How to get a spring in your step
Do you naturally feel a bit more ready to get out in the world in the spring time? If you do, then hopefully this information can help you move into spring with more of a natural stride in your step.
We think that walking should be a pretty straightforward activity, and it is, kind of, but one of the problems with walking , is that we take our imbalances - maybe a head forward posture, or, a tucked tail, or a pelvic thrust or any number of other things, and then we head out into the world with these traits and get walking, and then we find that we fatigue quickly, or that after our walk our hips feel more stiff, or our shoulders hurt, or, our feet or knees. Does this sound familiar?
I bet it does, it does for me. I find that as time goes by, when I stand still, I can keep everything all in place, but as soon as I start moving, it seems like everything falls apart, I catch my profile in a store window and gasp, – IS THAT ME? Yikes, no wonder I have pain. (Aside from the obvious one that I am walking on concrete, which will create its whole other level of strain.)
So, I thought I'd offer up some little insights as to how to get a body walking with ease.
First is to get about 60 or so percent of your weight nicely over your heels, with the rest of the weight then spreading out quietly across the rest of your foot. To get the weight nicely placed, try putting your hips in line with your heels, your rib cage over your hips, your shoulders over your rib cage, you head then resting nicely on your shoulders.
THEN, move from this place, feel the lovely pendulum swinging movement of your legs from your pelvis, and get your arms swinging in the same easy way, directionally forward and back (opposite to those legs!!) and head on out for a walk.
Let's start with that, and then we'll add on some more over the next while. Enjoy the walk, with not so much of a spring in your step, but a smile on your face as you stride on by.