Ball Rolling workshop
Ball Rolling Body Reset – Hip Focus
Sunday February 24, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Price $35
To register contact Alix here.
If you have taken a class with Alix or any number of our teachers you may have experienced ball or foam rolling. It's a way to get the tissues feeling more plumped up, more hydrated. This class will focus on the hips, back and legs. The terrific trifecta to get yourself traipsing down the sidewalk with a smile on your face.
Alix Rodrigues has a terrible sense of humour that often has her students rolling their eyes and groaning. It doesn't take away one bit from her dedication to her teaching and her love of the human body. She continues to explore new movement all the time, which is why you can often find her moving awkwardly down the street or pelvic listing while standing in line at Donald's.